Plot Dump

A portfolio of data visualisations that I have created over the course of my studies and extracurricular activities using

Interactive socio-economic regional data explorer


Source code:

Data explorer for the TRANSMIT DeZIM research project

Web application presenting survey results from the research project Transnational Perspectives on Migration and Integration (TRANSMIT) of the DeZIM-Forschungsgemeinschaft


Source code:

CorrelAid projects

(In cooperation with Mehr Demokratie e.V.)

An interactive dashboard about commuting in Germany

(CorrelAidX Challenge 2020)

Link: or

Source code:

theme_correlaid() and scale_colour_correlaid() for {ggplot2}

(Functions in package correltools)



(Click on figures to view source code.)

Recreation of WEB Du Bois’ visualisation

UNGA voting agreement map

(Interactive map)

BBC’s 100 Women of 2020

(Interactive table)

Bechdel test of movies by genre over the years

Median colours of over 50000 pictures in the Tate’s collection

The Datasaurus dozen

Big Macs per capita

Median weekly earnings in the US

Worldwide mobile phone adoption overtime

IKEA furniture by designers’ gender

Washington hiking trails’ features and ratings

Term papers

Inequality and status anxiety

State fragiliy and health care in Africa


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".